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My Thoughts On “The Five People You Meet In Heaven”

I had heard of this movie then learned it was a book, so of course I set my mind on reading it first because that’s what I do. That was a while back and it passed from my mind like lots of things do in our busy lives. A couple of weeks ago my little sister was visiting for lunch and she brought the book with her. She said she read it and thought I’d like it. I just had to know what book this was that so captured my non-reader sister into reading it. I was surprised that it was this perticular book and pleased as well for now I would be able to read it.

4 hrs is all it took, LOL. Its a very very good read and I highly recommend it to everyone! The lessons that he learns on his heavenly journey are something that we could all use in our earthly journey’s. Mitch Albom’s words that flow page to page helping Eddie along his way have helped me as well. The lesson’s I learned along with Eddie:

1) No life is a waste, only the time we waste thinking that we are worthless and alone

2) Sacrificeing is a good thing and sometimes the ones we think are the hardest on us are the ones that are sacrificeing the most.

3) Forgiveness is Peace. When someone hurts us it is for one or two reasons, one… they are jealous of what we have or two… they have no control over the situation. In anycase we should go somewhere in our minds to these people and forgive them because the hurt and pain we are keeping towards them is only hurting ourselves. Our anger and hatered to them is not effecting them at all.

4) LIFE has to end but LOVE doesn’t. This was the one that effected me the most. I lost my Grams just six days after my birthday in 2009. The last time I saw her was on my birthday. She had been diagnosed with colon cancer stage 4. It was only a matter of time and she went down hill fast. She was my best friend. I miss her still so very much. Time has healed my wounds and books like this help tremendously. Her life did have to end and I feel very blessed to have had her in mine for so very long but her love and the love I have for her never has to end and that’s what I finally got!

5) Thousands live because of the mundane simple things you do daily! I was so very blown away and full of such love for this character Eddie when at the very end he is shown that all these thousands and thousands of children, women and men lived because of what he did and here all this time he thought he was a nobody.

I’m just a stay-at-home mom but how many lives am I effecting that I have no clue of? EVERYONE is SOMEBODY!